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Home » Why You Need Classic Car Insurance
December 27, 2021

Why You Need Classic Car Insurance

1. Agreed Value Coverage: Classic Car Insurance provides a set value for your vehicle, known as Agreed Value Coverage. You and the insurer agree on this amount, which is what you’ll receive if your vehicle is totaled. Unlike standard auto insurance, which reduces payouts based on depreciation, wear and tear, and current market value, Agreed Value Coverage ensures you get the full value of your car.

2. Choice of Repair Shop: If your classic car gets damaged, you can take it to any repair shop you choose, including specialty shops that might charge more for working on classic cars. Standard auto insurance may let you pick your repair shop, but if the insurance company thinks the shop’s rates are too high, you’ll have to cover the difference.

3. Lower Premiums: Classic Car Insurance is typically 40% cheaper than standard auto insurance. This is because classic cars aren’t driven regularly and are often kept in locked garages, reducing the risk of loss.

Get a quote for your classic car today. We represent Grundy, Hagerty, and American Collectors Insurance and can find the best policy for you and your vehicle.

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