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Home » How to Collect Information in an Auto Accident
October 13, 2015

How to Collect Information in an Auto Accident

First thing call 911 especially if you or someone is injured. 

Next you need to collect the following information:

The other party’s information: 

  1. Name 
  2. Address 
  3. License Plate 
  4. Driver’s License # 
  5. Year Make & Model of the Vehicle
  6. Auto Insurance Information 

The best way to do all of this is with the camera on your cell phone, you can take a picture of all the needed information without writing it down.

Next take pictures of the accident scene and the vehicle’s damage. You also can take pictures of street signs and road conditions at the time of the accident.

When you are involved in an accident it’s hard to wright down information and to remember everything that happened. Pictures can help when a dispute arises after the accident as to who his really at fault and what happened.

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